
Facilitative Leaders bookAs a leader of a team or a department, what do you do when a member of your staff accuses you of not trusting him or her? And what if the staff member is correct? What if you really don’t trust the staff member? Or what if a client, a supplier, or a peer doesn’t trust you? How do you address it?

While many think of trust as something soft and amorphous, in our course, The Facilitative Leader, we show leaders that trust can be broken down into 5 key components which we call the Five Cs of Trust. When you don’t trust someone, or someone doesn’t trust you, it is typically because of one or more of the Five Cs.

The 5Cs of Trust

When someone says, “I trust you,” it means “I believe…”

  • Competence
    …You have the necessary skills and expertise
  • Communication
    …We truly hear and understand each other
  • Commitment
    …You are committed to our success
  • Caring
    …You have my interest at heart
  • Character
    …You are honest and ethical


In this workshop, participants will learn the 5 Cs of Trust and steps to take to identify the C and to resolve it in order to build stronger, trusting relationships throughout the enterprise.

  1. Why Do You Trust Someone?
  2. The 5 Cs of Trust
  3. Holding a Trust Conversation
  4. Your Next Steps for Addressing Trust Issues


  • Keynote
  • Half-day

Topic Spotlight

The 8 Core Practices of a Facilitative Leader

By Michael Wilkinson